Saturday, July 15, 2006

What is Google Checkout? have developed a system that lets users have one common place to do all their payments. The idea is that you shop at a variety of places yet the only place you ever enter your credit card details is at Google, in your Google Account.

For a reseller, Google Checkout provides a beautiful one stop system that allows their visitors a great safe way to to purchase. I mean, of all the "brands" online that you would trust with your credit card - Google is proably one of them. So for Mr Small Business having a Google logo in his shop, is a huge bonus

What's more, if you visit and search for "Bob's Wireless Mice" vendors can now place a Google Checkout icon in their AdWords adverts. This means if I as a Google Account holder, see two sites offering my mice, and one has Google Checkout - I'll probably go with them.

So what's the problem?Unlike PayPal who very quickly launched international accounts, Google Checkout currently is USA only (and there is no word as to when this will change). Google only allows credit cards (in some cases bank debit cards too), and has no facility for connecting your account with your bank. (PayPal will even connect with banks in New Zealand!)

Now those two things are minor really, and Google if it wanted to could launch an international service tomorrow if they wanted too (and they will eventually). The biggest issue that Google Checkout faces is the fact that they have been banned from eBay one of the biggest online sales locations. The best way for Google Checkout to grow is to have general public using it, but if they can't get access to the largest and most well known "flea market" where general public shop - how will they do this?

My ThoughtsPersonally I'd like to see Google Checkout grow to rival Paypal, for a long time we've needed an alternative (hey I love PayPal - but competition is always good!). However I feel that Google have once again forgoten that their is more to the world than the USA, there is more to the internet than US Dollars - I'm sorry but I'm tired of these big as companies launching public betas and NOT allowing for international customers - come on it's a CREDIT CARD for crying out loud - what's the difficulty?

Google - (I know your bots are reading this) - please roll out your checkout with international currencies, credit cards & bank account access ... SOON!

source :

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